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  1. dunnage

    • IPA[ˈdənij]


    • n.
      loose wood, matting, or similar material used to keep a cargo in position in a ship's hold;a person's belongings, especially those brought on board ship.
    • noun: dunnage

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    • 1. loose wood, matting, or similar material used to keep a cargo in position in a ship's hold effective bracing, blocking, and use of dunnage is essential he sees a continued drive toward more sustainable packaging through dunnage that is more reusable and recyclable
    • 2. informal, dated a person's belongings, especially those brought on board ship.
    • n.
      a kitbag.

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈdʌnɪdʒ]


    • n.
      loose wood, matting, or similar material used to keep a cargo in position in a ship's hold: effective bracing, blocking, and use of dunnage is essential he sees a continued drive toward more sustainable packaging through dunnage that is more reusable and recyclable

    Oxford Dictionary