- IPA[dwel]
- live in or at a specified place
- a slight regular pause in the motion of a machine.
verb: dwell, 3rd person present: dwells, gerund or present participle: dwelling, past tense: dwelt, past participle: dwelt
noun: dwell, plural noun: dwells
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. formal, literary live in or at a specified place groups of people still dwell in these caves
- 1. technical a slight regular pause in the motion of a machine.
- think, speak, or write at length about a particular subject, especially one that is a source of ...
Oxford Dictionary
- time spent in the same position, area, stage of a process, etc.: dwell time at US airports has reached a new high—almost 70 minutes
Oxford American Dictionary
- think, speak, or write at length about a particular subject, especially one that is a source of ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- time spent in the same position, area, stage of a process, etc.: the dwell time of the fibres in the drum the dwell times of the different lasers
Oxford Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[dwɛl]
- live in or at a specified place: groups of people still dwell in these caves bottom-dwelling fish
- a slight regular pause in the motion of a machine.
Oxford Dictionary