- IPA[ɪˈnam(ə)ld]
- coated or decorated with enamel
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. coated or decorated with enamel an enamelled roasting tin
- an opaque or semi-transparent glossy substance that is a type of glass, applied by ... pieces of metalwork decorated with enamel white enamel bowls
- coat or decorate (a metallic or hard object) with enamel: he enamelled the back of the case in the rococo style
Oxford Dictionary
- an opaque or semitransparent glassy substance applied to metallic or other hard surfaces for ...
- coat or decorate (a metallic or hard object) with enamel: he enameled the back of the case in the rococo style
Oxford American Dictionary
- coated or decorated with enamel: an enameled roasting pan
Oxford American Dictionary
- coated with heatproof enamel: the panels are supplied with a stove-enamelled finish
Oxford Dictionary
- a heatproof enamel produced by heat treatment in a stove, or a paint imitating it: a white stove-enamel finish
Oxford Dictionary
- nail polish.
Oxford Dictionary
- coated with heatproof enamel: the panels are supplied with a stove-enameled finish
Oxford American Dictionary
- nail polish.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a heatproof enamel produced by heat treatment in a stove, or a paint imitating it: a white stove-enamel finish
Oxford American Dictionary