1. think or speak very highly of (someone or something)
- glorify
- , extol
- , praise
- , acclaim
- , pay homage to
- , pay tribute to
- , revere
- , reverence
- , venerate
- , worship
- , hero-worship
- , lionize
- , idolize
- , deify
- , esteem
- , hold in high regard
- , hold in high esteem
- , hold in awe
- , look up to
- , put on a pedestal
- , laud
- , magnify
2. raise to a higher rank or position
- elevate
- , promote
- , raise
- , advance
- , boost
- , upgrade
- , ennoble
- , dignify
- , aggrandize
- , improve the status of
- , improve the standing of
- , give someone a higher rank
3. make noble in character; dignify
- elevate
- , promote
- , raise
- , advance
- , boost
- , upgrade
- , ennoble
- , dignify
- , aggrandize
- , improve the status of
- , improve the standing of
- , give someone a higher rank
「1. think or speak very highly of (someone or something)」的反義字
「2. raise to a higher rank or position」的反義字
「3. make noble in character; dignify」的反義字