- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 經營管理的; 決策的 executive authority 決策當局
- 2. 有執行權的 an executive officer 行政長官
- 3. 高檔的
- 1. 經理 a top executive 高層主管
- 2. 執行委員會
1. a person with senior managerial responsibility in a business
- chief
- , head
- , principal
- , senior official
- , senior manager
- , senior administrator
- , director
- , managing director
- , MD
- , CEO
- , chief executive officer
- , president
- , chairman
- , chairwoman
- , controller
- , director general
- , boss
- , boss man
- , top dog
- , bigwig
- , big wheel
- , big Daddy
- , big Chief
- , exec
- , suit
- , guv'nor
- , numero uno
- , Mister Big
- , (head) honcho
- , big kahuna
- , big white chief
- , sachem
- , padrone
- , fat cat
2. an executive committee or other body within an organization
- executive的名詞複數
- 最高行政長官
- 高級管理部門
- 執行董事
- 執委會成員
- 辦公桌小擺設
- 銷售代理
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[ɪgˋzɛkjʊtɪv]
- DJ[igˋzekjutiv]
- 執行的;實施的;經營管理的 He is on the executive committee. 他是該執行委員會委員。
- 執行者;行政官;高級官員[C] The President of the U.S. is the chief executive. 美國總統是最高行政官。
- 執行的,行政的行政人員,行政部門