Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. fill

    • IPA[fɪl]



    • vt.
    • vi.
    • 過去式:filled 過去分詞:filled 現在分詞:filling

    • 釋義
    • 同反義
    • 片語


    • 1. 裝滿 to fill a box with books 把盒子裝滿書 to fill sb. a bucket of water 幫某人裝滿一桶水
    • 2. 填補 to fill a cavity 填補齲洞 to fill a hole in the wall 修補牆上的一個洞
    • 3. 充滿 a church filled with flowers 擺滿鮮花的教堂 the theatre is filled to capacity 劇院座無虛席
    • 4. 布滿 the smell of garlic filled the house 房子裡瀰漫著大蒜的氣味 smoke filled the air 空氣中煙霧瀰漫
    • 5. 耗去 to fill (the or one's) time doing sth. 做某事打發時間
    • 6. 滿足; 填補 that fills the bill 那正合適
    • 7. 鼓起
    • 8. 填充 to fill a turkey with stuffing 給火雞填入餡料
    • 9. 派人擔任; 充任 the vacancy has been filled 那個空缺已有人接任
    • 10. 按…供應 the waiter went to fill the order 侍者去上菜了 the chemist was unable to fill the prescription 藥劑師無法按處方配藥
    • 11. fill up


    • 1. 變滿 the bath takes three minutes to fill 浴缸蓄滿水需要3分鐘 the theatre began to fill 劇院開始滿座
    • 2. 布滿 to fill with smoke 布滿煙霧
    • 3. 鼓起


    1. cause (a space or container) to become full or almost full

    2. become an overwhelming presence in; pervade

    3. hold and perform the expected duties of (a post or role)

    4. satisfy or fulfil (a want or need)


    「1. cause (a space or container) to become full or almost full」的反義字