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  1. fixation

    • IPA[fɪkˈseɪʃn]


    • n.
      an obsessive interest in or feeling about someone or something;(in Freudian theory) the arresting of part of the libido at an immature stage, causing an obsessive attachment
    • noun: fixation, plural noun: fixations

    • 釋義


    • 1. an obsessive interest in or feeling about someone or something our fixation with diet and fitness
    • (in Freudian theory) the arresting of part of the libido at an immature stage, causing an obsessive attachment fixation at the oral phase might result in dependence on others
    • 2. the action or process of fixing or being fixed sand-dune fixation
    • the process by which some plants and microorganisms assimilate nitrogen or carbon dioxide his work on nitrogen fixation in plants
    • the process of preserving or stabilizing (a specimen) with a chemical substance prior to microscopy or other examination biopsy specimens were placed in cassettes before fixation in formalin
    • 3. technical the action of concentrating the eyes directly on something during the period of total blindness there was a complete absence of visual fixation