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  1. flip

    • IPA[flip]


    • v.
      turn over with a sudden quick movement;move, push, or throw (something) with a sudden sharp movement
    • n.
      a sudden sharp movement;an act or instance of turning over or being turned over in the air
    • adj.
      glib or flippant
    • excl
      used to express mild annoyance.
    • verb: flip, 3rd person present: flips, gerund or present participle: flipping, past tense: flipped, past participle: flipped

    • noun: flip, plural noun: flips

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    • 1. turn over with a sudden quick movement the plane flipped over and then exploded the yacht was flipped by a huge wave 同義詞 overturn, turn over, tip over, roll over, upturn, ... 更多
    • 2. move, push, or throw (something) with a sudden sharp movement she flipped off her dark glasses she flipped a few coins onto the bar 同義詞 throw, flick, toss, fling, sling, ... 更多
    • turn (an electrical appliance or switch) on or off he flipped a switch and the front door opened 同義詞 flick, click, snap, jerk, pull, ... 更多
    • toss (a coin) to decide an issue given those odds, one may as well flip a coin you want to flip for it?
    • 3. informal suddenly lose control or become very angry my mom will flip if I don't get my homework done tonight
    • suddenly become very enthusiastic I walked into a store, saw the guitar on the wall, and just flipped
    • 4. buy and sell (something, especially real estate or shares) quickly to make a profit within one week of starting I flipped a property for a quick $3,000 profit
    • 5. US informal become an informer when he was taken in by the investigators, he flipped immediately
    • persuade to become an informer the prosecutors won't be able to flip any witnesses to testify against the ex-CEO


    • 1. a sudden sharp movement she dismissed his qualms with a flip of her hand
    • an act or instance of turning over or being turned over in the air he celebrates his goals with an acrobatic flip Alex's heart did a little flip inside her chest
    • a quick look or search through a volume or a collection of papers a quick flip through my cookbooks
    • 2. British informal, dated a quick tour or pleasure trip I did a flip round the post-show party


    • 1. glib or flippant he couldn't get away with flip, funny conversation


    • 1. informal used to express mild annoyance.
    • adj.
      used for emphasis or to express mild annoyance: are you out of your flipping mind? it's flipping cold today

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      used for emphasis or to express mild annoyance: are you out of your flipping mind?

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      a light sandal, typically of plastic or rubber, with a thong between the big and second toe.
    • v.
      move with a flapping sound or motion: she flip-flopped off the porch in battered trainers

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a light sandal, typically of plastic or rubber, with a thong between the big and second toe.
    • v.
      move with a flapping sound or motion: she flip-flopped off the porch in battered sneakers

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • adj.
      having or denoting a lid or cover that can be easily flipped open: a flip-top rubbish bin
    • n.
      a flip-top lid or cover.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      denoting or having a lid or cover that can be easily opened by pulling, pushing, or flicking it ... an accessory case with a clear flip-top lid
    • n.
      a flip-top lid or cover.

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[flɪp]


    • v.
      turn over with a sudden quick movement: the plane flipped over and then exploded the yacht was flipped by a huge wave
    • n.
      a sudden quick movement: she dismissed his qualms with a flip of her hand
    • adj.
      glib or flippant: he couldn't get away with flip, funny conversation
    • excl
      used to express mild annoyance.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • IPA[flɪp]


    • n.
      a drink of heated, sweetened beer and spirit.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • IPA[flip]


    • n.
      another term for eggnog

    Oxford American Dictionary