- IPA[flʌʃt]
- 發紅的;容光煥發的
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 發紅的 her face was flushed with shame 她羞紅了臉 their cheeks were flushed with wine 他們喝酒喝得滿臉通紅
- 2. 容光煥發的 flushed with pride/excitement/success 因自豪/興奮/成功而容光煥發的
1. (of a person) excited or elated by something
- elated
- , thrilled
- , exhilarated
- , happy
- , delighted
- , overjoyed
- , joyous
- , gleeful
- , excited
- , animated
- , jubilant
- , exultant
- , ecstatic
- , euphoric
- , rapturous
- , in raptures
- , enraptured
- , intoxicated
- , beside oneself
- , transported
- , carried away
- , impassioned
- , in a frenzy
- , delirious
- , hysterical
- , wild
- , frenzied
- , blissed out
- , over the moon
- , high
- , on a high
- , wigged out
- , corybantic
「1. (of a person) excited or elated by something」的反義字
- 紅暈; 紅光 there was a flush in her cheeks 她雙頰紅撲撲的 a rosy flush in the eastern sky 東方天空中一抹玫瑰色的紅霞
- 發紅; 臉紅 she flushed angrily 她氣得漲紅了臉 to flush crimson/bright-red 臉變得通紅
- 使發紅 fever flushed her cheeks 她燒得滿臉通紅
- 完全齊平的 to be flush with 與…完全齊平 to be flush against sth. 與某物緊挨
- 同花 a royal flush 同花大順 a straight flush 同花順
- 把…從隱蔽處趕出 to flush sth. from cover 把某物從藏身處趕出 the police finally flushed the villains from their lair 警察終於把那些流氓從他們的藏身處趕了出來
- 湧;湧流 The blood flushed into her face. 血湧上她的面部。
- 用水沖洗 The pipe is clogged. Try flushing it with hot water. 水管阻塞了,試試看用熱水沖。 He flushed the toilet. 他沖洗了廁所。
- 沖洗[C] The maid gave the floor a flush. 女佣沖洗了地板。
- 注滿的;泛濫的[(+with)] The reservoir is flush. 水庫裡裝滿水。
- 齊平地 The door fits flush into its frame. 這門與門框的大小正好合適。
- 使齊平,嵌平
- (鳥等)驚起,驚飛 A bird flushed from its cover. 一隻鳥從藏身的地方驚飛而起。
- 使(鳥)驚飛
- (撲克牌的)同花[C]
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