- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 創建
- 2. 地基 to rest on firm foundations 地基牢固 to stand on a foundation of sth. 建在某物做的地基上
- 3. 基礎 to lay the foundations for sth. 為某事打下基礎 to rock or shake sth. to its foundations 從根本上動搖某物
- 4. 根據 to be/have a foundation for doing sth. 是做某事的根據/做某事是有根據的 without foundation 沒有根據
- 5. 基金會
- 6. 粉底霜
1. the lowest load-bearing part of a building, typically below ground level
2. an underlying basis or principle
- basis
- , starting point
- , base
- , point of departure
- , beginning
- , premise
- , fundamental point/principle
- , principal constituent
- , main ingredient
- , principles
- , fundamentals
- , rudiments
- , cornerstone
- , core
- , heart
- , thrust
- , essence
- , kernel
- , nub
- , underpinning
- , groundwork
3. justification or reason
- justification
- , grounds
- , defence
- , reason
- , cause
- , mitigating circumstances
- , mitigation
- , extenuation
- , explanation
- , occasion
- , basis
- , motive
- , motivation
- , excuse
- , call
- , pretext
- , provocation
4. the action of establishing an institution or organization
- founding
- , establishing
- , setting up
- , starting
- , initiation
- , institution
- , forming
- , creation
- , launch
- , flotation
- , origination
- , development
- , inauguration
- , constitution
- , endowment
5. an institution established with an endowment, for example a research body or charity
「1. the action of establishing an institution or organization」的反義字
- foundation的名詞複數
- 基礎課程
- 奠基石
- 基石
- 【英】(大學一年級的)基礎課
- 婦女緊身胸衣
- 基石
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[faʊnˋdeʃən]
- DJ[faunˋdeiʃən]
- 建立,創辦[U] The foundation of the university took place over 400 years ago. 該大學於四百多年前創辦。
- 基礎,根本