- IPA[fraNGk]
- stamp an official mark on (a letter or parcel), especially to indicate that postage has been paid or does not need to be paid.;sign (a letter or parcel) to ensure delivery free of charge.
- an official mark or signature on a letter or parcel, especially to indicate that postage has been paid or does not need to be paid.
verb: frank, 3rd person present: franks, gerund or present participle: franking, past tense: franked, past participle: franked
noun: frank, plural noun: franks
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. stamp an official mark on (a letter or parcel), especially to indicate that postage has been paid or does not need to be paid.
- ▪ sign (a letter or parcel) to ensure delivery free of charge.
- ▪ facilitate or pay the passage of (someone) English will frank the traveler through most of North America
- 1. an official mark or signature on a letter or parcel, especially to indicate that postage has been paid or does not need to be paid.
- the action of franking a letter or parcel: a franking machine
Oxford American Dictionary
- (of a letter or parcel) stamped with an official mark to indicate that postage has been paid or ... undelivered franked mail without a return address will be disposed of
Oxford Dictionary
- the action of franking a letter or parcel: a franking machine
Oxford Dictionary
- (of a letter or parcel) stamped with an official mark to indicate that postage has been paid or ... undelivered franked mail without a return address will be disposed of
Oxford American Dictionary
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- 更多解釋
- IPA[fraŋk]
- stamp an official mark on (a letter or parcel) to indicate that postage has been paid or does ... each cover will be franked with a specially designed postmark the letter is franked 30 centavos
- an official mark or signature on a letter or parcel, indicating that postage has been paid or ...
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[fraNGk]
- open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters: a long and frank discussion to be perfectly frank, I don't know
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[fraŋk]
- open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters: a long and frank discussion to be perfectly frank, I don't know
Oxford Dictionary
- IPA[fraNGk]
- a member of a Germanic people that conquered Gaul in the 6th century and controlled much of ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- IPA[fraŋk]
- a member of a Germanic people that conquered Gaul in the 6th century and controlled much of ...
Oxford Dictionary