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  1. gallop

    • IPA[ˈɡaləp]


    • n.
      the fastest pace of a horse or other quadruped, with all the feet off the ground together in each stride;a ride on a horse at a gallop
    • v.
      (of a horse) go at the pace of a gallop;make (a horse) gallop
    • verb: gallop, 3rd person present: gallops, gerund or present participle: galloping, past tense: galloped, past participle: galloped

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    • 1. the fastest pace of a horse or other quadruped, with all the feet off the ground together in each stride the horse broke into a furious gallop a mounted police charge at full gallop
    • a ride on a horse at a gallop Wilfred went for a gallop on the sands
    • a very fast pace of running by a person she ran after them at a gallop West Ham began at the gallop
    • a track or ground where horses are exercised at a gallop Dancer fractured a foreleg on the gallops


    • 1. (of a horse) go at the pace of a gallop we galloped along the sand
    • make (a horse) gallop Fred galloped the horse off to the start
    • (of a person) run fast Leota galloped in from the halfway line
    • 2. proceed at great speed don't gallop through your speech
    • (of a process or event) progress in a rapid and seemingly uncontrollable manner his life gallops headlong towards disaster
    • n.
      an easily controlled gallop: hack classes where a hand gallop and stop are required

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      an easily controlled gallop: hack classes where a hand gallop and stop are required

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • IPA[ˈɡaləp]


    • n.
      the fastest pace of a horse or other quadruped, with all the feet off the ground together in ... the horse broke into a furious gallop riding at full gallop
    • v.
      (of a horse) go at the pace of a gallop: we galloped along the sand

    Oxford American Dictionary