- IPA[ɡāv]
- past of give
- 相關詞
- freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone): she gave him presents and clothes the cheque given to the jeweller proved worthless
- capacity to bend or alter in shape under pressure: plastic pots that have enough give to accommodate the vigorous roots
Oxford Dictionary
- freely transfer the possession of (something) to (someone); hand over to: the check given to the jeweler proved worthless he gave the papers back
- capacity to bend or alter in shape under pressure; elasticity: plastic pots that have enough give to accommodate the vigorous roots
Oxford American Dictionary
- give something freely as a gift or donation
Oxford American Dictionary
- give something freely as a gift or donation
Oxford Dictionary
- (of a support or structure) be unable to carry a load or withstand a force; collapse or break
Oxford Dictionary
- cease making an effort; resign oneself to failure
Oxford American Dictionary
- cease making an effort; admit defeat
Oxford Dictionary
- distribute something
Oxford American Dictionary
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