- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 普遍的; 通常的; 全體的; 群眾性的 words in general use 普遍使用的詞彙 the photocopier is for general use 這臺複印機是共用的
- 2. 整體的; 總體的; 籠統的; 大致的; 泛泛的 to improve one's general fitness 改善總體健康狀況 a general view of the building 大樓的概貌
- 3. 非專門的; 普通的; 普及性的; 綜合的; 雜項的 general enquiries 一般查詢 a general index 總目
- 4. 正常的 in the general way of things 通常情況下 the general run of people 普通人
- 5. 首席的 consul/inspector general 總領事/監察長 Attorney/Governor/Secretary General 檢察總長/總督/秘書長
- 1. 將官; 將軍 general of the army/air force 陸軍/空軍五星上將 to make sb. a general 擢升某人為上將
1. affecting or concerning all or most people or things; widespread
- widespread
- , common
- , extensive
- , universal
- , wide
- , popular
- , public
- , mainstream
- , prevalent
- , prevailing
- , rife
- , established
- , well established
- , conventional
- , traditional
- , traditionalist
- , orthodox
- , accepted
- , in circulation
- , in force
- , in vogue
- , comprehensive
- , overall
- , across the board
- , blanket
- , umbrella
- , mass
- , total
- , complete
- , wholesale
- , sweeping
- , panoramic
- , broad
- , broad-ranging
- , extended
- , inclusive
- , all-inclusive
- , all-round
- , generic
- , outright
- , encyclopedic
- , indiscriminate
- , catholic
- , global
- , worldwide
- , international
- , nationwide
- , countrywide
- , coast-to-coast
- , company-wide
2. not specialized or limited in range of subject, application, activity, etc.
3. normal or usual
- usual
- , customary
- , habitual
- , traditional
- , normal
- , conventional
- , typical
- , standard
- , regular
- , familiar
- , accepted
- , prevailing
- , routine
- , run-of-the-mill
- , fixed
- , set
- , established
- , confirmed
- , everyday
- , ordinary
- , common
- , stock
- , well worn
- , time-honoured
- , popular
- , favourite
4. considering or including only the main features or elements of something; not exact or detailed
- broad
- , imprecise
- , inexact
- , rough
- , sweeping
- , overall
- , loose
- , basic
- , approximate
- , non-specific
- , unspecific
- , vague
- , hazy
- , fuzzy
- , woolly
- , ill-defined
- , indefinite
- , unfocused
- , ballpark
- , undetailed
「1. affecting or concerning all or most people or things; widespread」的反義字
「2. not specialized or limited in range of subject, application, activity, etc.」的反義字
「3. normal or usual」的反義字
「4. considering or including only the main features or elements of something; not exact or detailed」的反義字
- 相關信息 the gen on sth. 關於某事物的情況
- general
- = gender
- = General
- general的名詞複數
- 【軍】【英】【口】內幕;情報
- 將軍
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋdʒɛnərəl]
- DJ[ˋdʒenərəl]
- 一般的,普遍的;非專業性的 This is a general magazine. 這是一本普通雜誌。
- 將軍;上將[C] Washington was a famous general. 華盛頓是一位著名將領。
- 一般的,普通的