Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. get down

    • ph.
      depress or demoralize someone;write something down
    • 釋義
    • 相關詞


    • 1. depress or demoralize someone
    • 2. write something down
    • 3. swallow food or drink, especially with difficulty
    • 4. dance energetically
    • 5. leave the table after a meal
    • ph.
      write something down

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      write something down

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      depress or demoralize someone

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      begin to do or give serious attention to something

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      begin to do or give serious attention to something

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      depress or demoralize someone

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      begin matters in earnest

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.

    Oxford Dictionary

    • 1
    • 2
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    • 更多解釋
    • ph.
      depress or demoralize someone

    Oxford American Dictionary