Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. get out

    • vi.
    • vt.
    • 釋義


    • 1. 出去 he got out through the window 他從窗子爬出去 get out! 不會吧!
    • 2. 外出 you should get out more and make friends 你應該多外出結交朋友
    • 3. 逃跑 to get out from under sth. 擺脫某微妙局勢
    • 4. 下車
    • 5. 離開 she's lived there all her life, and can't wait to get out 她在那裡生活了一輩子,巴不得馬上搬走呢
    • 6. 退出
    • 7. 獲釋; 下班
    • 8. 洩露


    • 1. 拔掉 I soon got the truth out of him 我很快就逼他說出了真相
    • 2. 借出 she's gone to the library to get some books out 她到圖書館借書去了
    • 3. 除去 I can't get the mark out 我弄不掉那個污漬 I can't get the idea out of my mind or head 我沒法擺脫這個想法
    • 4. 拿出 he likes to get his photos out 他喜歡給人看他的照片 he got the money out of his wallet 他從皮夾裡拿出了錢
    • 5. 生產
    • 6. 勉強地說 she couldn't get the words out 她說不出話來
    • 7. 使出去 to get the sofa out the window/door 把沙發從窗戶/門搬出去 have you tried to get her out? 你有沒有試圖把她攆走?
    • 8. 使逃出 they planned to get him out of prison 他們打算救他出監獄
    • 9. 使自由 his lawyer got him out (on bail) 他的律師把他保了出來
    • 10. 出版
    • 11. 解決