Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. get through

    • vi.
    • vt.
    • 釋義


    • 1. 通過
    • 2. 傳送到 the news never got through 這消息從未傳到過 he can't get through to his staff 他無法和他的員工溝通
    • 3. 接通 to get through to sth./sb. 接通某處/某人的電話 I can't get through to Oxford 我沒法打通牛津的電話
    • 4. 順利通過 the team got through to the finals 這個隊進入了決賽 do you think the regiment will get through? 你認為這個團能順利通過嗎?
    • 5. 熬過 we got through thanks to ... 由於…我們挺過來了


    • 1. 通過 the sofa won't get through the front door 沙發進不了前門
    • 2. 完成 to get through the work/applications 處理完工作/申請表
    • 3. 在…獲得通過 the bill hasn't got through Congress yet 此議案尚未在國會通過
    • 4. 挺過 it was difficult to get through that time/the winter 那段時間/那個冬天很難熬
    • 5. 通過
    • 6. 消耗完 he got through all the money/a pair of shoes 他花光了所有的錢/穿壞了一雙鞋
    • 7. 使穿過 to get the thread through the hole 把線從孔裡穿過 the guide will get the unit through 嚮導將帶領分隊通過
    • 8. 把…傳送到 they got the signal through 他們把信號發過去了 can you get this message through to him/headquarters? 你能把這條信息發給他/總部嗎?
    • 9. 接通…的電話 get me through to Paris at once 馬上給我接通巴黎的電話
    • 10. 清楚傳達 I can't get the idea through to him 我沒法讓他明白這個意思
    • 11. 幫助…通過 the horses got the cart through the mud 幾匹馬拉著馬車通過泥地 the coaching staff got their team through to the semi-final 全體教練幫助他們的隊進入了半決賽
    • 12. 幫助…熬過 counselling helped get him through 心理諮詢幫助他挺了過去 card games got us through the long wait/afternoon 我們靠打紙牌打發掉了漫長的等待/下午
    • 13. 使獲得通過 the government struggled to get its bill through 政府艱難地要使議案得到通過