- IPA[ˈɡedō]
- a poor urban area occupied primarily by a minority group or groups.;an isolated or segregated group or area of a particular kind
- resembling or characteristic of a ghetto or its inhabitants (especially with relation to African American culture);makeshift, shoddy, or in poor condition
- put in or restrict to an isolated or segregated area or group.
noun: ghetto, plural noun: ghettoes
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. a poor urban area occupied primarily by a minority group or groups.
- ▪ an isolated or segregated group or area of a particular kind a middle-class ghetto of prosperous professionals they say legislation is needed to stop the area becoming a student ghetto
- 2. historical the Jewish quarter in a city the Warsaw Ghetto
- 1. US informal resembling or characteristic of a ghetto or its inhabitants (especially with relation to African American culture) the crew includes Ice Cube, who provides tough talk and ghetto style
- ▪ US informal makeshift, shoddy, or in poor condition the place's starting to look ghetto with the seats all broken the construction is straight ghetto: uninsulated plywood and strange patchwork solutions to elementary problems
- 1. put in or restrict to an isolated or segregated area or group.
- denoting or exemplifying an ostentatious or flamboyant lifestyle or style of clothing of a type ... ghetto-fabulous rappers
Oxford Dictionary
- denoting or exemplifying an ostentatious or flamboyant lifestyle or style of clothing of a type ... ghetto-fabulous rappers
Oxford American Dictionary
- a large portable radio and cassette or CD player.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a large portable radio and cassette or CD player.
Oxford Dictionary
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈɡɛtəʊ]
- a poor urban area occupied primarily by a minority group or groups.
- resembling or characteristic of a ghetto or its inhabitants (especially with relation to ... the crew includes Ice Cube, who provides tough talk and ghetto style
- put in or restrict to an isolated or segregated area or group.
Oxford Dictionary