- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 流言蜚語 marketplace gossip 街談巷議 it's common gossip that ... 大家議論紛紛說…
- 2. 小道消息 the latest gossip about sb./sth. 關於某人/某事的最新謠傳
- 3. 閒聊 to have a (good) gossip with sb. 和某人閒聊(一通)
- 4. 愛傳流言蜚語的人 he's a terrible gossip 他特別愛說長道短
- 1. 說長道短 to gossip about sb. 背後議論某人
- 2. 閒聊 I can't stand here gossiping all day 我不能整天站在這兒閒聊 to gossip with sb. 和某人閒聊
1. casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true
- chat
- , talk
- , conversation
- , chatter
- , heart-to-heart
- , tête-à-tête
- , powwow
- , blether
- , blather
- , conference
- , discussion
- , dialogue
- , exchange
- , adda
- , chit-chat
- , jaw
- , gas
- , confab
- , goss
- , natter
- , chinwag
- , rabbit
- , crack
- , rap
- , bull session
- , gabfest
- , mag
- , yarn
- , confabulation
- , colloquy
2. a conversation about other people; an instance of gossiping
- tittle-tattle
- , tattle
- , rumour(s)
- , whispers
- , stories
- , tales
- , canards
- , titbits
- , idle talk
- , scandal
- , hearsay
- , malicious gossip
- , whispering campaign
- , smear campaign
- , bavardage
- , on dit
- , Kaffeeklatsch
- , labrish
- , shu-shu
- , dirt
- , buzz
- , mud-slinging
- , goss
- , scuttlebutt
- , skinder
- , bruit
3. a person who likes talking about other people's private lives
- scandalmonger
- , gossipmonger
- , tattler
- , tittle-tattler
- , busybody
- , muckraker
- , bad-mouth
- , bad-mouther
- , quidnunc
- , calumniator
4. engage in gossip
- spread rumours
- , spread gossip
- , circulate rumours
- , spread stories
- , tittle-tattle
- , tattle
- , talk
- , whisper
- , tell tales
- , muckrake
- , dish the dirt
- , skinder
- , bruit something abroad/about
- , chat
- , converse
- , speak to each other
- , discuss things
- , have a talk
- , have a chat
- , have a tête-à-tête
- , have a conversation
- , engage in conversation
- , gas
- , have a confab
- , chew the fat/rag
- , jaw
- , rap
- , yak
- , yap
- , natter
- , have a chinwag
- , chinwag
- , shoot the breeze
- , shoot the bull
- , visit
- , mag
- , confabulate
「1. a conversation about other people; an instance of gossiping」的反義字
- gossip的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- gossip的名詞複數
- 漫談專欄
- 漫談專欄作家
- 八卦網站
- 話題人物;焦點問題
- (報刊的)漫談欄,茶話欄
- 1
- 2
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋgɑsəp]
- DJ[ˋgɔsip]
- 閒話,聊天;流言蜚語[C][U] She had a gossip with her neighbor. 她與鄰居閒聊了一會。
- 閒聊;傳播流言蜚語[(+about)] It's getting late. I mustn't stay gossiping with you any longer. 時間不早了,我不能和你再閒聊下去了。
- 閑聊,隨筆,流言,愛講閑話的人說閑話,閑聊