- IPA[ˈhɪəseɪ]
- information received from other people which cannot be substantiated; rumour;the report of another person's words by a witness, which is usually disallowed as evidence in a court of law
noun: hearsay
- 釋義
- 1. information received from other people which cannot be substantiated; rumour according to hearsay, Bez had managed to break his arm
- ▪ the report of another person's words by a witness, which is usually disallowed as evidence in a court of law everything they had told him would have been ruled out as hearsay the admissibility of hearsay evidence in civil proceedings
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈhirˌsā]
- information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate; rumor: according to hearsay, Bob had managed to break his arm
Oxford American Dictionary