Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. hint

    • IPA[hint]


    • n.
      a slight or indirect indication or suggestion;a small piece of practical information or advice
    • v.
      suggest or indicate something indirectly or covertly;(of a thing) be a slight or possible indication of
    • verb: hint, 3rd person present: hints, gerund or present participle: hinting, past tense: hinted, past participle: hinted

    • noun: hint, plural noun: hints

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    • 1. suggest or indicate something indirectly or covertly there were those who hinted at doctored evidence Edwards has hinted that he will dispose of his majority shareholding
    • (of a thing) be a slight or possible indication of the restrained fronts of the terraced houses only hinted at the wealth within
    • ph.
      let fall a hint or hints, as if casually or unconsciously

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      understand and act on what someone is implying or suggesting

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      give a hint or hints as if casually or unconsciously

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      understand and act on what someone is implying or suggesting

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      understand and act on a hint

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      understand and act on what someone is implying or suggesting

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[hɪnt]


    • n.
      a slight or indirect indication or suggestion: he has given no hint of his views
    • v.
      suggest or indicate something indirectly or covertly: the Minister hinted at a possible change of heart he hinted that the sale might be delayed

    Oxford Dictionary