- IPA[hʊk]
- 掛鉤;魚鉤
- 用鉤掛; 鉤住;使成鉤狀
- 用鉤固定;用鉤掛
過去式:hooked 過去分詞:hooked 現在分詞:hooking
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. 掛鉤 by hook or by crook 千方百計地
- 2. 魚鉤 to fall for sth. hook, line, and sinker 完全被某事物欺騙 to be off the hook 擺脫責任
- 3. 鉤眼扣
- 4. 鉤狀假手
- 5. 鐮刀
- 6. 鉤拳
- 7. 曲線球
- 8. 誘惑 to look for a sales hook 尋找賣點
- 1. 用鉤掛; 鉤住 to hook sth. to the back of the car 把某物掛在汽車尾部 to be or get hooked on a nail 被釘子鉤住
- 2. 使成鉤狀 to hook one's finger 屈指 to hook one's foot under a stool 用腳從底下鉤住凳子
- 3. 釣
- 4. 釣到
- 5. 用腳鉤…給隊友 to hook the ball 打出曲線球
- 1. 用鉤固定 to hook at the back 在背部用鉤眼扣扣住
- 2. 用鉤掛 to hook over the roof ridge 鉤掛在屋脊上
- 3. 彎成鉤狀 to hook around sb.'s neck 勾住某人的脖子
1. a piece of metal or other hard material curved or bent back at an angle, for catching hold of or hanging things on
2. a bent piece of metal, typically barbed and baited, for catching fish
3. a curved cutting instrument, especially as used for reaping or shearing
4. a short swinging punch made with the elbow bent and rigid, especially in boxing
- punch
- , blow
- , hit
- , box
- , cuff
- , thump
- , smack
- , crack
- , knock
- , thwack
- , skelp
- , belt
- , bop
- , biff
- , sock
- , clout
- , whack
- , wallop
- , plug
- , slug
- , whop
- , slosh
- , dot
- , boff
- , dong
5. attach or fasten with a hook or hooks
6. bend into the shape of a hook so as to fasten around or to an object
7. catch with a hook
「1. attach or fasten with a hook or hooks」的反義字
「2. catch with a hook」的反義字
- 鉤狀的 a hooked nose/beak 鷹鉤鼻/鉤喙
- 鉤狀的,帶鉤的
- hook的名詞複數
- 鉤狀的,有鉤的,用鉤做成的
- 用鉤眼扣扣好(衣服) hook up a dress 把連衣裙上的鉤眼扣扣好 Please will you hook me up at the back? 請你替我把後背的鉤眼扣扣上好嗎?
- 用搭扣扣住
- 扣上…的鉤眼扣 can you hook me up? 你能幫我扣上扣子嗎?
- 鉤住
- 掛上
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- 2
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- 4
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- 更多解釋
- KK[hʊk]
- DJ[huk]
- 鉤,掛鉤;(衣服的)鉤扣 Will you hang my coat on the hook? 幫我把我的外套掛在鉤上行嗎?
- 用鉤鉤住(或掛起);扣(衣服)的扣子[O] Will you hook my coat for me? 你幫我把上衣掛好行嗎?
- 彎成鉤狀 The road hooked around the lake. 這條路沿著湖岸蜿蜒伸展。
- 鉤,鉤狀,鐮刀,陷阱掛…於鉤上,鉤住,引上鉤,偷竊彎成鉤狀,鉤緊