- IPA[ˈhərēd]
- done in a hurry; rushed
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. done in a hurry; rushed I ate a hurried breakfast
- move or act with great haste: we'd better hurry servants hurried around
- great haste: in my hurry to leave I knocked over a pile of books
Oxford American Dictionary
- move or act with great haste: we'd better hurry servants hurried around
- great haste: in my hurry to leave I knocked over a pile of books
Oxford Dictionary
- hurried and disorderly: a hurry-scurry retreat
- in a hurried and disordered way: the mob fled hurry-scurry
- disorderly haste; confused hurrying: all was now hurry-scurry
Oxford Dictionary
- hurried and disorderly: a hurry-scurry retreat
- in a hurried and disordered way: the mob fled hurry-scurry
- disorderly haste; confused hurrying: all was now hurry-scurry
Oxford American Dictionary
- showing, involving, or requiring haste or urgency: this dish is especially good when you're in a hurry-up day
Oxford Dictionary
- showing, involving, or requiring haste or urgency: the hurry-up atmosphere of the court contributed to the mistake
Oxford American Dictionary
- rushed; in a rushed manner
Oxford American Dictionary
- moving or acting without haste or urgency
Oxford Dictionary
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