- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 幻想 to have no illusions about the future 對未來不抱有任何幻想 to be or labour under the illusion that ... 誤以為…
- 2. 假像 an illusion of space 空間的假像
- 3. 幻術
- 4. 錯覺
1. an instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience
- mirage
- , hallucination
- , apparition
- , phantasm
- , phantom
- , vision
- , spectre
- , fantasy
- , figment of the imagination
- , will-o'-the-wisp
- , trick of the light
- , ignis fatuus
2. a deceptive appearance or impression
- appearance
- , impression
- , imitation
- , semblance
- , pretence
- , sham
- , false appearance
- , deceptive appearance
- , deception
- , misperception
- , simulacrum
3. a false idea or belief
- delusion
- , misapprehension
- , misconception
- , deception
- , false impression
- , mistaken impression
- , fantasy
- , dream
- , chimera
- , fool's paradise
- , self-deception
- , castles in the air
- , castles in Spain
- , fallacy
- , error
- , misjudgement
- , fancy
「1. a deceptive appearance or impression」的反義字
- illusion的名詞複數
- 視錯覺
- 視錯覺,錯視,光幻覺
- 視錯覺,錯視,光幻覺
- 視錯覺
- 誤信 I was under the illusion that he was honest until he was caught stealing some money. 他偷錢當場被人抓住, 在此之前我一直誤以為他是個老實人。
- 更多解釋
- KK[ɪˋljuʒən]
- DJ[iˋlu:ʒən]
- 錯覺,幻覺;假象[C] He is under the illusion that his position is secure. 他誤以為他的地位很穩固。 Extreme heat can create an illusion of water on a highway in the summer. 盛夏酷暑會造成公路上有水的幻覺。
- 幻影,錯覺,幻想