in full
- 全部地; 全面地; 無省略地; 無遺漏地
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. 全部地; 全面地; 無省略地; 無遺漏地 publish a report in full 全文發表一份報告 write one's name in full 寫全名(如寫作John Henry Smith, 不作J. H. Smith)
- 全都看得見的 He performed the trick in full view of the whole audience. 他在全體觀眾都看得見的情況下變護術。
- (指一群獵犬)追趕獵物時齊聲狂吠 The pop group raced for their car, pursued by fans in full cry. 流行歌手朝著他們的汽車跑去, 後面跟著一群狂呼亂叫的歌迷。
- (指植物、園圃等)開花 The garden looks lovely when the roses are in full bloom. 玫瑰花開時園內美麗誘人。 Her genius was in full bloom. 她才華橫溢(處於最佳狀態或顛峰時期)。
- (指船)張滿帆
- 正在活躍進行 The negotiations are in full swing. 談判正在緊張地進行。
- 大量(的) The army paraded in full strength. (全部)軍隊接受了檢閱。
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- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- 全部地 The bill must be paid in full by the last day of this month. 帳單須在本月底之前全部付清。
- 全部地 The bill must be paid in full by the last day of this month. 帳單須在本月底之前全部付清。
- 充足,十足