- IPA[ˌɪnkænˈdesnt]
- 熾熱的; 白熾的;激情的; 激動的
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 熾熱的; 白熾的
- 2. 激情的; 激動的 he was incandescent with rage 他怒不可遏
1. emitting light as a result of being heated
- white-hot
- , intensely hot
- , red-hot
- , burning
- , fiery
- , on fire
- , blazing
- , ablaze
- , aflame
- , glowing
- , aglow
- , radiant
- , bright
- , brilliant
- , dazzling
- , shining
- , luminous
- , gleaming
- , glowy
- , fervid
- , fervent
- , ardent
- , rutilant
- , lucent
- , candescent
2. extremely angry
- furious
- , enraged
- , raging
- , very angry
- , incensed
- , seething
- , infuriated
- , fuming
- , boiling
- , inflamed
- , irate
- , wrathful
- , in a temper
- , beside oneself
- , in high dudgeon
- , indignant
- , outraged
- , livid
- , hot under the collar
- , up in arms
- , foaming at the mouth
- , mad
- , hopping mad
- , wild
- , as cross as two sticks
- , apoplectic
- , riled
- , aerated
- , on the warpath
- , steamed up
- , in a lather
- , in a paddy
- , fit to be tied
- , up the wall
- , bent out of shape
- , soreheaded
- , ropeable
- , snaky
- , crook
- , vex
- , in a bate
- , ireful
- , wroth
「1. extremely angry」的反義字
- 白熾燈
- 白熱燈泡
- 白熾燈泡
- 白熾燈泡
- 白熱燈泡
- 鎢絲燈;白熾燈 Most consumers do not use the incandescent light bulbs because of their short life and great power consumption. 消費者太多都已經不用鎢絲燈,因為壽命不長,而且太耗電。
- 鎢絲燈;白熾燈 Most consumers do not use the incandescent light bulbs because of their short life and great power consumption. 消費者太多都已經不用鎢絲燈,因為壽命不長,而且太耗電。
- 更多解釋
- KK[͵ɪnkænˋdɛsnt]
- DJ[͵inkænˋdesnt]
- 熾熱的,白熱的 The light of an electric lamp comes from an incandescent filament. 電燈光亮來自白熱的燈絲。
- 白熱的,發白熱光的,輝耀的,燦爛的