1. provoke or intensify (strong feelings, especially anger) in someone
- incite
- , arouse
- , rouse
- , provoke
- , animate
- , stir up
- , work up
- , whip up
- , kindle
- , fire
- , ignite
- , touch off
- , foment
- , actuate
- , inspire
- , stimulate
- , agitate
- , spur on
- , aggravate
- , exacerbate
- , intensify
- , worsen
- , make worse
- , compound
- , add fuel to the flames
- , fan the flames
- , rub salt in the wound
- , enrage
- , incense
- , anger
- , infuriate
- , exasperate
- , madden
- , send into a rage
- , antagonize
- , rile
- , gall
- , make someone see red
- , make someone's blood boil
- , drive mad/crazy
- , empurple
「1. provoke or intensify (strong feelings, especially anger) in someone」的反義字