Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. inroad

    • IPA[ˈinˌrōd]


    • n.
      progress; an advance;an instance of something being affected, encroached on, or destroyed by something else
    • noun: inroad, plural noun: inroads

    • 釋義


    • 1. progress; an advance an important way to make inroads in reducing spending
    • an instance of something being affected, encroached on, or destroyed by something else serious inroads had now been made into my pitiful cash reserves
    • 2. a hostile attack; a raid.
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    • IPA[ˈɪnrəʊd]


    • n.
      an instance of something being encroached on or reduced by something else: the firm is beginning to make inroads into the UK market serious inroads had now been made into my pitiful cash reserves

    Oxford Dictionary