Yahoo香港字典 搜尋
- 1. 親密的 to have an intimate relationship with sb. 與某人關係密切 to be on intimate terms with sb. 與某人來往密切
- 2. 有性關係的 to be intimate with sb. 與某人有性關係
- 3. 私密的 intimate feelings 內心的感情 intimate details 隱私細節
- 4. 宜於密切關係的 an intimate restaurant 幽靜的餐館
- 5. 詳盡的 to have an intimate knowledge of/acquaintance with sth. 對某事物了如指掌
1. state or make known
- announce
- , state
- , proclaim
- , set forth
- , make known
- , make public
- , make plain
- , impart
- , disclose
- , reveal
- , divulge
- , tell
- , inform
- , imply
- , suggest
- , hint at
- , insinuate
- , indicate
- , signal
- , allude to
- , refer to
- , communicate
- , convey
- , give someone an inkling of
- , tip someone the wink about
- , get at
- , drive at