- IPA[ɪnˈvælɪd]
- 無效的; 作廢的;無根據的; 站不住腳的
- 同反義
1. (especially of an official document or procedure) not legally recognized because it contravenes a regulation or law
- void
- , legally void
- , null
- , null and void
- , unenforceable
- , not binding
- , inoperative
- , worthless
- , illegitimate
- , incorrect
- , improper
- , unacceptable
- , inapplicable
- , annulled
- , nullified
- , cancelled
- , revoked
- , rescinded
- , abolished
- , repealed
2. (especially of an argument, statement, or theory) not true because based on erroneous information or unsound reasoning
- false
- , untrue
- , inaccurate
- , faulty
- , fallacious
- , spurious
- , inadequate
- , unconvincing
- , unsound
- , weak
- , wrong
- , wrongly inferred
- , wide of the mark
- , off target
- , unjustified
- , unsubstantiated
- , unwarranted
- , untenable
- , baseless
- , ill-founded
- , unfounded
- , groundless
- , illogical
- , irrational
- , unscientific
- , absurd
- , preposterous
- , inconsistent
- , off beam
- , out
- , way out
- , full of holes
- , bogus
「1. (especially of an official document or procedure) not legally recognized because it contravenes a regulation or law」的反義字
「2. (especially of an argument, statement, or theory) not true because based on erroneous information or unsound reasoning」的反義字