Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. irregular

    • IPA[ɪˈrɛɡjʊlə]


    • adj.
      not even or balanced in shape or arrangement;occurring at uneven or varying rates or intervals
    • n.
      a member of an irregular military force.;an imperfect piece of merchandise sold at a reduced price.
    • noun: irregular, plural noun: irregulars

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    • 1. a member of an irregular military force.
    • 2. North American an imperfect piece of merchandise sold at a reduced price.
    • n.
      a verb that does not follow the normal pattern of inflection: there are some differences in irregular verbs between British and American English

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a verb that does not follow the normal pattern of inflection: there are some differences in irregular verbs between British and American English

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[i(r)ˈreɡyələr]


    • adj.
      not even or balanced in shape or arrangement: his strong, irregular features
    • n.
      a member of an irregular military force.

    Oxford American Dictionary