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  1. isolated

    • IPA[ˈīsəˌlādəd]


    • adj.
      far away from other places, buildings, or people; remote;having minimal contact or little in common with others
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    • 相關詞
    • v.
      cause (a person or place) to be or remain alone or apart from others: a country that is isolated from the rest of the world
    • n.
      a person or thing that has been or become isolated: social isolates often become careless of their own welfare

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • v.
      cause (a person or place) to be or remain alone or apart from others: a country which is isolated from the rest of the world
    • n.
      a person or thing that has been or become isolated: social isolates often become careless of their own welfare

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      having the effect of making a person feel or be alone or apart from others: working from your home office every day is isolating the acting industry can be isolating

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • adj.
      having the effect of making a person feel or be alone or apart from others: working from your home office every day is isolating the acting industry can be isolating

    Oxford Dictionary

    • v.
      remain apart from others for a period of time, especially in order to avoid catching or ... employees with confirmed measles have been asked to self-isolate by staying in their homes I self-isolated for about two years because my immune system was so weak

    Oxford Dictionary

    • v.
      remain apart from others for a period of time, especially in order to avoid catching or ... employees with confirmed measles have been asked to self-isolate by staying in their homes I self-isolated for about two years because my immune system was so weak

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˈʌɪsəleɪtɪd]


    • adj.
      far away from other places, buildings, or people; remote: isolated farms and villages

    Oxford Dictionary