Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. jack up

    • ph.
      raise something, especially a vehicle, with a jack;increase something by a considerable amount
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    • 1. raise something, especially a vehicle, with a jack
    • 2. increase something by a considerable amount
    • 3. inject oneself with an illegal drug
    • 4. give up or refuse to participate in something
    • 5. arrange or organize something
    • n.
      an offshore drilling rig the legs of which are lowered to the seabed from the operating platform: the company describes itself as a leading contractor of jack-up rigs jack-ups capable of drilling in water depths ranging between 30 and 300 feet

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      an offshore drilling rig the legs of which are lowered to the seabed from the operating platform: the company describes itself as a leading contractor of jack-up rigs jack-ups capable of drilling in water depths ranging between 30 and 300 feet

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      raise something, especially a vehicle, with a jack

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      raise something, especially a vehicle, with a jack

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • ph.
      raise something, especially a vehicle, with a jack

    Oxford American Dictionary