- IPA[jiNGks]
- a person or thing that brings bad luck
- bring bad luck to; cast an evil spell on
- said when two people inadvertently say the same thing at once
verb: jinx, 3rd person present: jinxes, gerund or present participle: jinxing, past tense: jinxed, past participle: jinxed
noun: jinx, plural noun: jinxes
- 釋義
- 1. a person or thing that brings bad luck one was never to wish luck to someone going hunting or fishing, as it was seen as a jinx
- 1. bring bad luck to; cast an evil spell on the play is jinxed
- 1. said when two people inadvertently say the same thing at once “What happened?” we both say at exactly the same time. “Jinx!”
- 更多解釋
- IPA[dʒɪŋks]
- a person or thing that brings bad luck: one was never to wish luck to someone going hunting or fishing, as it was seen as a jinx
- bring bad luck to; cast an evil spell on: the play is jinxed
- said when two people inadvertently say the same thing at once: ‘What's happened?’ we both say at exactly the same time. ‘Jinx!’
Oxford Dictionary