Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. keep from doing sth.

    • ph.
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    • 1. 克制不做某事 She could hardly keep (herself) from laughing. 她忍不住大笑起來。 I just managed to keep myself from falling. 我差一點跌倒。
    • ph.
      (使某人)與某人或某事保持距離 Keep well back from the road. 離馬路遠些。 Barricades were erected to keep back from the crowds. 設置了障礙以隔開人群。
    • ph.
      不將某事告訴某人 I think we ought to keep the truth from him until he's better. 我想等他好些再把實情告訴他。 They don't keep anything from each other. 他們之間無話不談。
    • ph.
      對B 隱瞞A 事物


    • ph.
      與...保持距離 She should keep her distance from that fellow. 她應該離那傢伙遠點。
    • ph.
      保密 I'm getting married again, but keep it dark, will you? 我要再婚了, 可要保密呀, 行嗎?
    • ph.
      拒不將某事告訴某人; 隱瞞某事物 I'm sure she's keeping something back from us. 我肯定她向我們隱瞞什麼。
    • ph.
      疏遠;與……保持距離 She should keep her distance from that fellow. 她應該疏遠那傢伙。
    • ph.
      疏遠;與……保持距離 She should keep her distance from that fellow. 她應該疏遠那傢伙。
    • ph.
      免於窮困(或挨餓) Their wages are barely enough to keep the wolf from the door. 他們的工資勉強夠維持生計 He earns scarcely enough to keep the wolf from the door. 他掙的錢少得幾乎不能餬口。
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