Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. land on

    • ph.
      尖銳批評; 責罵
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    • 1. 尖銳批評; 責罵 Jane landed on Tom for dressing carelessly. 珍因湯姆衣冠不整而責罵他。


    尖銳批評; 責罵

    • ph.
      種莊稼; 務農
    • ph.
      務農 He left his office job to try to make a living on the land. 他辭去了辦公室的工作, 改以務農為生。
    • ph.
      安然脫險 David has landed on his feet again. 大衛又僥倖脫離了困境。
    • ph.
      安然脫險 David has landed on his feet again. 大衛又僥倖脫離了困境。
    • ph.


    • ph.
      錦衣玉食 He won a large sum of money and began to live on the fat of the land. 他贏了一大筆錢後便過著養尊處優的生活。
    • ph.
      養尊處優 He won a large sum of money and began to live on the fat of the land. 他贏了一大筆錢後便過著養尊處優的生活。
    • ph.
      養尊處優 He won a large sum of money and began to live on the fat of the land. 他贏了一大筆錢後便過著養尊處優的生活。
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    • ph.
      尖銳批評;責罵 Jane landed on Tom for dressing carelessly. 珍因湯姆衣冠不整而責罵他。