- IPA[ˈleɪtɪst]
- of most recent date
- the most recent news or fashion
noun: latest
- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 片語
- 1. of most recent date the latest news
- 1. the most recent news or fashion have you heard the latest?
- doing something or taking place after the expected, proper, or usual time: his late arrival she was half an hour late for her lunch appointment
- after the expected, proper, or usual time: she arrived late
Oxford Dictionary
- doing something or taking place after the expected, proper, or usual time: his late arrival she was half an hour late for her lunch appointment
- after the expected, proper, or usual time: she arrived late
Oxford American Dictionary
- comparative of late
- comparative of late
- goodbye for the present; see you later.
Oxford American Dictionary
- comparative of late
- comparative of late
- goodbye for the present; see you later.
Oxford Dictionary
- denoting a person who worships a specified thing: idolater
Oxford Dictionary
- denoting a person who worships a specified thing: idolater
Oxford American Dictionary
- no later than the time specified
Oxford Dictionary
- no later than the time specified
Oxford American Dictionary
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- IPA[ˈlādəst]
- of most recent date: the latest news
- the most recent news or fashion: have you heard the latest?
Oxford American Dictionary