let down
- 放下, 降下;放鬆, 鬆懈下來
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 放下, 降下 John let down the chain saw on a rope from the window. 約翰從窗口把機器鋸用繩子垂降下來。
- 2. 放鬆, 鬆懈下來 Don't let down near the end of the race, or you will disappoint everyone. 比賽快接近終點時別鬆懈下來, 否則你會令大家失望。
- 3. 沒有支持或使滿意, 令人失望 I will never let you down. 我永遠都不會使你失望。 I have been badly let down. 我曾經因得不到支持而非常失望。
- 4. 放長(衣服) You are growing fast, your skirt needs to be let down. 你長得很快, 你的裙子得放長一點。
- 5. (輪胎)放氣 Someone let down the tire so the car can't run. 有人把輪胎放了氣, 所以現在車子走不動了。
- 失望 it was a bit of a let-down 那有些令人失望
- 放下; 降下 We let the bucket down by a rope. 我們用繩子把桶吊下去。 This skirt needs letting down. 這條裙子需要放長。
- 不幫助某人; 使某人失望 Please come and support me. Don't let me down. 請來支持我。可別不幫忙。 This machine won't let you down. 這部機器不會出毛病, 你儘管放心。
- 不幫助(或不支持)同事; 使同事感到失望 You can always rely on Angela -- she'd never let the side down. 你盡可完全信賴安吉拉--她從不使同事感到失望。
- 給某人留面子
- 1
- 2
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- 放長 I've let the skirt down by 2 centimetres 我把裙子放長了2釐米
- 使失望 Don't worry. I'll never let you down. 別擔心。我決不會讓你失望的。
- 使失望 Don't worry. I'll never let you down. 別擔心。我絕不會讓你失望的。
- 放低