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  1. like

    • IPA[līk]


    • prep.
      having the same characteristics or qualities as; similar to;in the manner of; in the same way or to the same degree as
    • conj.
      in the same way that; as;as though; as if
    • n.
      used with reference to a person or thing of the same kind as another;a thing or things of the same kind (often used to express surprise or for emphasis)
    • adj.
      (of a person or thing) having similar qualities or characteristics to another person or thing;(of a portrait or other image) having a faithful resemblance to the original
    • adv.
      used in speech as a meaningless filler or to signify the speaker's uncertainty about an expression just used;used to convey a person's reported attitude or feelings in the form of direct speech (whether or not representing an actual quotation)
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    • 1. in the same way that; as people who change countries like they change clothes
    • 2. as though; as if I felt like I'd been kicked by a camel


    • 1. used with reference to a person or thing of the same kind as another the quotations could be arranged to put like with like I know him—him and his like
    • a thing or things of the same kind (often used to express surprise or for emphasis) did you ever hear the like? a church interior the like of which he had never seen before


    • 1. (of a person or thing) having similar qualities or characteristics to another person or thing I responded in like manner the grouping of children of like ability together
    • (of a portrait or other image) having a faithful resemblance to the original “Who painted the dog's picture? It's very like.”


    • 1. informal used in speech as a meaningless filler or to signify the speaker's uncertainty about an expression just used I was, like, so hyped up I couldn't go to sleep
    • 2. informal used to convey a person's reported attitude or feelings in the form of direct speech (whether or not representing an actual quotation) so she comes into the room and she's like “Where is everybody?”
    • 3. archaic in the manner of like as a ship with dreadful storm long tossed
    • comb.
      (added to nouns) similar to; characteristic of: bell-like grasslike

    Oxford Dictionary

    • comb.
      (added to nouns) similar to; characteristic of: bell-like grasslike

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • ph.
      of that nature or in that manner

    Oxford Dictionary

    • ph.
      an amount in the region of

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      resembling a shell in shape or appearance: a creature with a shell-like carapace
    • n.
      a person's ear: Prentice had a word in somebody's shell-like

    Oxford Dictionary

    • adj.
      having or producing a clear musical sound like that of a bell: her clear bell-like voice

    Oxford American Dictionary

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    • IPA[lʌɪk]


    • prep.
      having the same characteristics or qualities as; similar to: he used to have a car like mine they were like brothers
    • conj.
      in the same way that; as: people who change countries like they change clothes
    • n.
      used with reference to a person or thing of the same kind as another: the quotations could be arranged to put like with like I know him—him and his like
    • adj.
      (of a person or thing) having similar qualities or characteristics to another person or thing: I responded in like manner the grouping of children of like ability together
    • adv.
      used in speech as a meaningless filler or to signify the speaker's uncertainty about an ... there was this funny smell—sort of dusty like I was, like, so hyped up I couldn't go to sleep

    Oxford Dictionary

    • IPA[lʌɪk]


    • v.
      find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory: all his classmates liked him people who don't like reading books
    • n.
      the things one likes or prefers: a wide variety of likes, dislikes, tastes, and income levels

    Oxford Dictionary

    • IPA[līk]


    • v.
      find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory: people who don't like reading books I like to be the center of attention
    • n.
      the things one likes or prefers: a wide variety of likes, dislikes, tastes, and income levels

    Oxford American Dictionary