- IPA[lōvz]
- plural form of loaf
- 相關詞
- a quantity of bread that is shaped and baked in one piece and usually sliced before being eaten: a loaf of bread two loaves in the oven
Oxford American Dictionary
- a quantity of bread that is shaped and baked in one piece and usually sliced before being eaten: a loaf of bread a granary loaf
Oxford Dictionary
- idle one's time away, typically by aimless wandering or loitering: don't let him see you loafing around with your hands in your pockets
Oxford American Dictionary
- spend one's time in an aimless, idle way: don't let him see you loafing about with your hands in your pockets
Oxford Dictionary
- a baked vegetarian dish made from ground or chopped nuts, vegetables, and herbs.
Oxford American Dictionary
- a long, deep dish for baking bread, cake, etc.: pour the mixture into the lined loaf tin
Oxford Dictionary
- a baked vegetarian dish made from ground or chopped nuts, vegetables, and herbs.
Oxford Dictionary
- a baked dish consisting of minced meat moulded into the shape of a loaf: a slice of meat loaf
Oxford Dictionary
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