- 釋義
- 相關詞
- 1. 塊 to get or take one's lumps 吃苦頭
- 2. 腫塊 she had a lump in her breast 她乳房裡長了個腫塊 to have a lump in one's throat 喉嚨哽住
- 3. 傻大個
- 1. 把…歸併在一起 these two things shouldn't be lumped together 這二者不應該混為一談 to lump it 將就
- lump的動詞過去式、過去分詞
- lump的名詞複數
- lump的動詞現在分詞、動名詞
- 【口】勉強地接受討厭的或不想要的事物 If you don't like the decision you'll just have to lump it. 你不喜歡那決定, 也只好勉為其難了。
- 一次付款額
- 【主英】= sugar cube
- 一次付款額
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 下一頁
- 更多解釋
- KK[lʌmp]
- DJ[lʌmp]
- 團,塊[C][(+of)] The artist started with a big lump of clay. 藝術家用一大塊黏土開始雕塑。
- 成塊狀的
- 把……弄成一團;把……歸併到一起;把……混為一談[O][(+together)] You can't lump all these different things together. 你不可以將所有這些不同的事物統統歸併在一起。
- 結塊;起疙瘩 The words lumped in her throat. 話在她喉頭哽住了。
- KK[lʌmp]
- DJ[lʌmp]
- 【口】勉強容忍 Like it or lump it, I'm not going to turn my radio off. 不管你是否高興,我不準備把收音機關掉。