- 同反義
1. the action of magnifying something or the process of being magnified
- exaggeration
- , overstatement
- , amplification
- , overemphasis
- , overplaying
- , dramatization
- , overdramatization
- , colouring
- , embroidery
- , embellishment
- , enhancement
- , extravagance
- , inflation
- , hyperbole
- , aggrandizement
- , gilding the lily
- , blowing up
- , blowing up out of all proportion
- , making a big thing out of something
2. the degree to which something is or can be magnified
- enlargement
- , increase
- , augmentation
- , extension
- , expansion
- , amplification
- , intensification
- , heightening
- , deepening
- , broadening
- , widening
- , dilation
- , boost
- , enhancement
- , macrophotography
- , photomacrography
「1. the action of magnifying something or the process of being magnified」的反義字
「2. the degree to which something is or can be magnified」的反義字
- 更多解釋
- KK[͵mægnəfəˋkeʃən]
- DJ[͵mægnifiˋkeiʃən]
- 放大;擴大
- 擴大,誇張,贊美