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  1. mailshot

    • IPA[ˈmeɪlʃɒt]


    • n.
      a dispatch of mail, especially promotional material, to a large number of people;an item sent in a mailshot
    • v.
      send promotional material to (a large number of people)
    • verb: mailshot, 3rd person present: mailshots, gerund or present participle: mailshotting, past tense: mailshotted, past participle: mailshotted

    • noun: mailshot, plural noun: mailshots

    • 釋義


    • 1. a dispatch of mail, especially promotional material, to a large number of people retail multiples use targeted mailshots to support new branches
    • an item sent in a mailshot I have just received a mailshot from another firm


    • 1. send promotional material to (a large number of people) you mailshot your prospect list with an offer