make up to
- 獻慇懃, 巴結;補償
- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 獻慇懃, 巴結 He used to make up to important people. 他過去經常向重要人物獻殷勤。 He is always making up to influential people. 他老是向有權有勢的人獻媚巴結。
- 2. 補償 I'll make it up to you, I promise. 我保証我會補償你。 I must make it up to my mother for disappointing her at the game. 我在比賽中的表現令我母親失望, 我一定要補償她。
- (為某事)對……作補償
- (為某事)對……作補償
- 【口】補償某人的損失(或遭受的不幸、花費的錢財) Thanks for buying my ticket -- I'll make it up to you later. 感謝你給我買了票--我稍後再還給你錢。
- (因給某人帶來麻煩或苦難)酬謝或報答某人 How can I make up for the way I've treated you? 我這樣待你, 真不知怎樣才能向你賠罪?
- 她拒絕作決定
- 【文】接受無法變更的事實 As we can't afford a bigger house we must make up our minds to staying here. 既然我們住不起大房子, 我們就得安心住在這兒。
- 1
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- 更多解釋
- 接近 He made up to us. 他向我們走來。
- 接近 He made up to us. 他向我們走來。
- 走近,駛近,接近