- 釋義
- 同反義
- 相關詞
- 1. 授權 to have a mandate to do sth. 獲得做某事的權力 to give sb. a mandate to do sth. 授權某人做某事
- 2. 命令
- 3. 委託書
- 1. 授權給 to mandate sb. to do sth. 授權某人做某事
1. an official order or commission to do something
- instruction
- , directive
- , direction
- , decree
- , command
- , order
- , injunction
- , edict
- , charge
- , commission
- , bidding
- , warrant
- , ruling
- , ordinance
- , law
- , statute
- , fiat
- , ukase
- , pronunciamento
2. the authority to carry out a policy, regarded as given by the electorate to a party or candidate that wins an election
- (法律、條文)規定的;明令的 mandated standards 法定標準
- mandate的名詞複數
- mandate的動詞現在分詞、動名詞
- 聯合國的決議案;聯合國授權 Following a UN mandate, Italy will send troops to fight the IS. 如果聯合國通過決議案,義大利就會對伊斯蘭國用兵。
- 聯合國的決議案;聯合國授權 Following a UN mandate, Italy will send troops to fight the IS. 如果聯合國通過決議案,義大利就會對伊斯蘭國用兵。
- 更多解釋
- KK[ˋmændet]
- DJ[ˋmændeit]
- 命令,指令 carry out a mandate 執行一項命令
- 把(領土)委託別國管轄 the mandated territories 託管領地
- 命令,指令,要求委任統治