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  1. map

    • IPA[map]


    • n.
      a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.;a two-dimensional representation of the positions of stars or other astronomical objects
    • v.
      represent (an area) on a map; make a map of;record in detail the spatial distribution of (something)
    • noun: map, plural noun: maps

    • 釋義
    • 片語


    • 1. a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc. a street map
    • a two-dimensional representation of the positions of stars or other astronomical objects she went inside to check a star map
    • a diagram or collection of data showing the spatial arrangement or distribution of something over an area an electron density map
    • a representation of the sequence of genes on a chromosome or genome, or of bases in a DNA or RNA molecule a physical and genetic map of the entire human genome
    • another term for mapping
    • 2. informal, dated a person's face you ought to know my map by now


    • 1. represent (an area) on a map; make a map of inaccessible parts will be mapped from the air
    • record in detail the spatial distribution of (something) the project to map the human genome
    • associate (a group of elements or qualities) with an equivalent group, according to a particular formula or model the transformational rules map deep structures into surface structures this data is then mapped against a policy model
    • be associated with or linked to (an equivalent group) it is not obvious that the subprocesses of language will map on to individual brain areas
    • associate each element of (a set) with an element of another set the direct sum of two rings A and B may be mapped homomorphically on the summand