1. a person's husband, wife, or other sexual partner
- partner
- , husband
- , wife
- , spouse
- , lover
- , live-in lover
- , amour
- , significant other
- , inamorato
- , inamorata
- , companion
- , helpmate
- , helpmeet
- , consort
- , POSSLQ (person of the opposite sex sharing living quarters)
- , other half
- , better half
- , hubby
- , missus
- , missis
- , old man
- , old lady
- , old woman
- , dutch
- , trouble and strife
2. one of a matched pair
3. a fellow member or joint occupant of a specified thing
- partner
- , husband
- , wife
- , spouse
- , lover
- , live-in lover
- , amour
- , significant other
- , inamorato
- , inamorata
- , companion
- , helpmate
- , helpmeet
- , consort
- , POSSLQ (person of the opposite sex sharing living quarters)
- , other half
- , better half
- , hubby
- , missus
- , missis
- , old man
- , old lady
- , old woman
- , dutch
- , trouble and strife
4. a friend or companion
- friend
- , companion
- , boon companion
- , comrade
- , intimate
- , familiar
- , confidant
- , alter ego
- , second self
- , playmate
- , classmate
- , schoolmate
- , workmate
- , team-mate
- , flatmate
- , room-mate
- , pal
- , chum
- , buddy
- , bosom pal
- , sidekick
- , cully
- , spar
- , crony
- , main man
- , china
- , mucker
- , butty
- , oppo
- , amigo
- , compadre
- , paisan
- , cohort
- , bro
- , gabba
- , homeboy
- , marrow
- , marrer
- , compeer
- , fidus Achates
5. used as a friendly form of address between men or boys
- man
- , my friend
- , pal
- , chum
- , cock
- , squire
- , matey
- , old fellow
- , old bean
- , old boy
- , old chap
- , old fruit
- , boyo
- , bud
- , buster
- , amigo
- , Mac
- , bro
- , bubba
- , bo
- , jack
- , partner
- , cobber
- , digger
- , bhai
- , yaar
- , jong
- , okie
6. an assistant or deputy in certain trades
7. (of animals or birds) come together for breeding; copulate
8. bring (animals) together for breeding