Yahoo香港字典 搜尋


  1. misconceive

    • IPA[ˌmiskənˈsēv]


    • v.
      fail to understand correctly;judge or plan badly, typically on the basis of faulty understanding
    • verb: misconceive, 3rd person present: misconceives, gerund or present participle: misconceiving, past tense: misconceived, past participle: misconceived

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    • 1. fail to understand correctly she was frustrated by professors who consistently misconceived her essays
    • judge or plan badly, typically on the basis of faulty understanding criticism of the trade surplus in Washington is misconceived
    • adj.
      wrongly or badly planned or judged, typically because of faulty understanding: this misconceived project parents often have misconceived notions about choking

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • adj.
      wrongly or badly planned or judged, typically because of faulty understanding: this misconceived project parents often have misconceived notions about choking

    Oxford Dictionary

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    • IPA[ˌmɪskənˈsiːv]


    • v.
      fail to understand (something) correctly: some academic latinists did misconceive Pound's poem in that way

    Oxford Dictionary