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  1. moderate

    • adj.
      average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree;(of a person, party, or policy) not radical or excessively right- or left-wing
    • n.
      a person who holds moderate views, especially in politics
    • v.
      make or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent;review (examination papers, results, or candidates) in relation to an agreed standard so as to ensure consistency of marking
    • verb: moderate, 3rd person present: moderates, gerund or present participle: moderating, past tense: moderated, past participle: moderated

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    • 1. a person who holds moderate views, especially in politics an unlikely alliance of radicals and moderates


    • n.
      a wind of force 7 on the Beaufort scale (32–38 miles per hour, or 28–33 knots).

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • n.
      another term for near gale

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a wind of force 4 on the Beaufort scale (11–16 knots or 20–30 km/h).

    Oxford Dictionary

    • n.
      a wind of force 4 on the Beaufort scale (13–18 miles per hour, or 11–16 knots).

    Oxford American Dictionary

    • 更多解釋
    • adj.
      average in amount, intensity, quality, or degree: we walked at a moderate pace
    • n.
      a person who holds moderate views, especially in politics: an unlikely alliance of radicals and moderates
    • v.
      make or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent: I shall not moderate my criticism the weather has moderated considerably

    Oxford American Dictionary