- IPA[ˈmɒmi]
- one's mother (chiefly as a child's term).
noun: mommy, plural noun: mommies
- 相關詞
- disputes between mothers over childrearing methods, in particular those between mothers who ... I first encountered the mommy wars at a preschool ballet class it's nearly impossible to avoid picking sides in the so-called mommy wars
Oxford American Dictionary
- disputes between mothers over child-rearing methods, in particular those between mothers who ... I first encountered the mommy wars at a preschool ballet class it's nearly impossible to avoid picking sides in the so-called mommy wars
Oxford Dictionary
- a career path for women who opt to sacrifice promotions and pay raises in order to devote more ...
Oxford American Dictionary
- an interrupted or delayed career path followed by women as the result of bringing up a family.
Oxford Dictionary
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